I walked into Taiwan’s version of the DMV yesterday to a pleasant surprise. My license had expired over half a decade ago so I wasn’t quite sure they’d let me renew it.
But then four things happened:
The older lady behind the glass looked at the picture on my residence visa and said “Beautiful!”
She said I can renew it for $6.
She asked for a 2nd photo and I’m still not sure where that one went. They only needed one…
I noticed the other side of the room had a ‘Services for the Disabled’ sign with some friendly workers sitting below it. You can imagine what services were listed. I didn’t expect English translation to be there, and yet it was. I laughed.
Damn, I love living abroad. It just makes life more fun.
Also, it’s now snowing where my parents live and its 23 C here. That’s probably like 3,582,234 F or something for you Americans or Canadian boomers.
But I digress (while sitting on the beach).
JJ’s Vault
(All of these links are paywall free ‘cuz you subscribe.)
I promise you you’ll enjoy this one. It’s about one of my more nuttier friends from Iran and how he kept his first kid on a leash for 15 years. Crazy.
If you’re a fellow writer/blogger/whatever-the-hell-we-are you would do yourself a service reading about this nifty editing technique. I tend to save it for the larger pieces or the ones I want to do particularly well, as it does take a bit of time. But hey, it’s helped these two creators earn almost $1 billion from their writing—so it’s probably a pretty good tactic.
JJ’s Progress
I took about 1.5 weeks off writing for my bday and Halloween (and a fondness for partying). I’ve also picked up some more external client work ‘cuz Medium just isn’t paying me what I thought it’d be at this point in my writing path.
Don’t get me wrong, I thought I was there back in the spring/summer, but since then it’s plummeted 60-70%.
No matter though, I still have an incessant desire to annoy all of you with my wordlings, so I’ll still keep writing. I just have to find other ways to pay the bills going forward.
I’m pretty sure I’ll be starting another Substack soon to post some of my stories that revolve in a not-yet-chosen niche. I’ll do that and then use Medium as a publisher rather than a central repository.
The part I’m not sure of is whether I should focus on ‘history’ or the wide variety of what I call ‘society’ as a topic (links to my lists of articles in those subjects). Or combine the two. Or just send all those articles here. Or wonder if I need to continue being a generalist. Or why did I choose November to be my annual sober month and decide to drink 4 coffees this afternoon when I normally pound Taiwan Tea all day.
Ah, the joys of scratching and beating your brain to decide the next course of action for 6 months—the headache side of being a solopreneur.
Any ideas or feedback is always incredibly welcome! Seriously, would love to hear what you think.
J.J. Pryor
Friendly reminder to press the heart button on this newsletter for virtual fake hugs.
Ahh yes, I can relate. "Solopreneur." Brilliant.
You're brilliant and hilarious and every time I see you in my inbox, it's a good day. The Substack idea intrigues me. I've never explored it, but thank you for the kick in the pants to check it out. I will say that News Break has been kind monetarily to me lately. Not sure if you've considered that, but I can give you the skinny if you'd like. Perhaps I'll search out a Taiwanese restaurant for lunch today. :) Take care! - Michelle Loucadoux