TLDR: Happy New Year!!!!
Things I did this month:
Enjoyed too much Christmas cheer (pictured above)
Broke my belt buckle thingy and replaced it with a combination of gum and duct tape
Lied about replacing my belt buckle with gum and duct tape this week
Because I actually did it months earlier but this time even the gumtraption broke after lasting for several months
Continued being weird
Traveled to the source of all your global chip shortages where I used to go to school and had some awesome Christmas times with old friends who also mostly work in that industry
Bought a new iPhone for the first time in 6 years because my old one was adding stress to my life with all of its breakiness. Also, I can now take amazing pictures. “Can” is the operative word. I don’t know “how” to yet.
Contracted a small head cold, bought medication which turned out to be allergy pills and then ate them while wondering why pharmacists don’t prescribe allergy pills for common colds anyway, then typed this newsletter in a 100% completely coherent fashion which no reader could possibly suspect otherwise
Continued being weird
Sent my 50th newsletter of A Pryor Life!
From JJ’s Vault:
(These articles are paywall free ‘cuz you subscribe.)
Writing humor is probably the least profitable action on the internet.
And I love it.
Here are two pieces I spent far more time creating than would ever make sense to a sober person—and the likely reason I created them.
Season’s Greetings! (From Your Aunti Vaxxer)
50 Shades of Bae (Warning: punny)
Have any of you published a book before? If it’s still available I’m collecting a list of Mediumites and Feediumites who’ve published something. I’ll make it into a nice little listicle and promote it a bit over the coming year.
If you want in (it’s absolutely free) head over here.
That’s it for today! I have 1 more letter to send out (I think) before New Year on a philosophy I clutch close to my heart thingy. I’m heading off to go lazy camping with a crapload of friends this weekend before returning to the ol’ abode.
It’s either going to be awesome, full of music and good times, or crazy sleet-rain-windy, and full of music and good times.
Time will tell, and so will I next week.
J.J. Pryor
An early Christmas beer at my local pub with my brand spanking new iPhone that I have no idea how to use yet. I mainly wanted it for the camera and ‘cuz my old phone was 6 years old and falling apart. My young waitress friend says I’m “basically a boomer” now after correcting me on how to use the phone. I can’t say she’s wrong. I guess an old soul bears its fruits in the end.
👇Click the heart thingy? The algorithm loves it. I love it more.👇
I always know I"ll have a good chuckle when I open one of your stories JJ. Glad you are enjoying cold beer on warm day - that photo is pretty darn good! Happy New Year - here's to many more LOL stories in 2022
It is always a pleasure to take advice from an attractive woman, regardless of occupation. I think asking for help with your phone is a great 'ice breaker.' This could be the beginning of a great pickup line. Not that you need any help, as a well-known author, you have women flocking to your side, but it's always good to have a backup plan. Good to have in those rare situations where you're not recognized.