Hey there! If you’re curious to know more about the ins and outs, this is the post for you!
Let’s get started, shall we?

This is an in.
Many ins exist in the world, but this is a perfect example of an in if you’re ever finding yourself in need of a fashion statement to show the world you aren’t, in fact, a balding 40-year-old with a few too many extra pounds you’re looking to hide with a young, hip chic that all the cool kids are wearing.

This is an out.
It’s useful for when you want to escape situations, perhaps even awkward ones. Like the time your neighbor Gary beckoned you over for a cup of tea, but you know damn well he doesn’t drink tea and your cat’s been missing for three weeks and was last seen taking a number 3 on Gary’s prized petunias.

This is another in.
While this in might look enticing for a weary traveler, it is also a common scene for horror movies, including documentaries. If you are a weary time traveler, you might recognize this as Gary’s favorite getaway spot from a future documentary.
Incidentally, there is no free tea for consumption.

This is another out.
While not a recommended way to get out of a train, it is certainly a possibility. And not just trains, it’s also useful for planes and automobiles! Please note, if you are looking for an out like this, keep in mind you should have a selfie stick on hand at all times, just in case you fall to your death and miss out on 23,534 Instagram likes.

This is another out.
If you regularly see this sign, it likely means you are out of a job, out of a life, or out of video gaming skills because you’re a complete NOOB.

This is an in and an out.
While you may think it's just an in, you are mistaken. It is both an in and an out, possibly going to another world or possibly to a beach in Bali. At the very least, it’s a popular spot for absent-minded youth galavanting across the world selling courses on how to get rich and travel the world while never telling people the only way they can make money is by saying how they make money from the people giving them money to make money.
It is an infinite loop of ins and outs, with no morals in sight.

This is another in.
Note the “welcome” signage on the floor beckoning you to enter the abode. In Western countries, it is considered polite to wipe your dirty shoes on this sign, even if it ends up obscuring the message for the next people wanting to go in.
Also, note the smug look of dirty secret knowledge on the neighborhood dog Gary.
Where’s my damn cat Gary?!!!
This message has been brought to you by a non-lizard-king named J.J. Pryor.
👇Click the heart thingy? The algorithm loves it. I love it more.👇
hey, it will be awesome if you can post your photos from your Taiwan outin-gs ( or inout's?)
Unsplash is awesome, but we don't get the lowdown from our man on the ground. Don't fret about fancy or technical. Raw and underexposed is awesome.
PS. I used to do outings throughout the windows as a teen, so that can be an addition.
Cordialement vôtre,
O de Mont Royale
Once again, you have brought a smile to my lips and a song in my heart. This was a great way to start my day - which will definitely be all downhill from here.
BTW, I think the crazy cat lady I live with, and love dearly has adopted your cat, and it is living quietly in my backyard, eyeing the birds at my bird feeder. She loves dogs and would have grabbed the dog in the picture, but I had to draw the line somewhere.
I'm not sure what a number 3 is unless you are referring to the ejection of a hairball. My cats always save that process a rug and or the kitchen countertop. I was going to buy a cattle prod to use as re-enforcement against similar activities, but the crazy cat lady said she would use it on me. Oh well, just another one of my great ideas that will see the light of day.