Because they crack each other up!
(Sorry—I can’t resist a good dad-joke when I see one. Feel free to sigh audibly.)
How’s your week been going? I’ve been having ‘fun’ watching all the wild lawsuits come to conclusion over and over again but it’s left me with a feeling of disenfranchisement.
I must’ve had at least 5 conversations this week with different people (even my own parents) about people moving more and more to the extremes of right and left political viewpoints.
No one seems to care about facts anymore.
No one engages in real conversations.
It’s almost sickening.
It’s also weird (or perhaps not) that the new podcasts I’ve been listening to lately deep dive into exactly why this is happening more and more. And I’m enthralled.
Check out Rabbit Hole if you’re also curious about this subject.
I have a feeling I’ll be doing some deep diving of my own on related subjects in the near future—but I have to find some time first.
As for my own writing lately, I’ve been going at it like a snail out of its shell—(does that analogy work?)—and have been exploring a few new topics and trying to get into some more publications on Medium.
It seems they also changed their algorithms this month again. Lot’s of Mediumites complaining about huge drops in their views and read times—myself included.
I guess I’ll have to find a new source of income soon if I want to keep at this writing stuff full-time. Any ideas?
In the meantime, maybe you’ll enjoy some of my recent articles—a few of them are getting a lot of laughs (which means everything to me!):
I tried to out-train a bad diet for 18 months with heavy lifting (with illustrations)
I interviewed Elon Musk’s AI to see if it could get hired at StarBucks
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Thanks for reading!
Until next time,
JJ Pryor