I’m 40 minutes away from setting out on an adventure this weekend. I’m going camping for the first time in 7 years! Woo.
And in Taiwan, no less.
I’ve been looking forward to this trip for a couple of months now and am wondering what I’ll be able to encounter on my hikes:
This adorable little bear pictured above would tear my guts out for a chance at the Doritos I’ll be waving in his face
This daddy long legs below would love a chance to nibble on my cheek if I give him the chance—that freak is about 30 cm long! I screamed in a manly fashion the last time I encountered one.
This wild creature is always looking to start a fight at any given moment. Known as Drunkus Idiotus, I often encounter them when carrying half empty beers and liquor bottles.
Who knows what we can encounter in the wildneress!
At least we can control what we see on in the vast lands of the internet. Here’s a few fun articles for you this week:
If you’re looking to get in Superstar shape—here’s how they do it
Did you know that Trekkies helped elect one of the greatest president’s in our modern time? I didn’t, until last week.
I promise you’ll like the surprise ending of this piece about The One Thing mega-succesful writers discover before becoming rich and famous
Have a great weekend everyone, I’m taking a couple days off from the writing gig. If I survive all of the above horrors (and any surprises)—I’ll see you next week!
If I don’t…I love you all.
Please show some love and share, comment or click the silly heart button. Thanks everyone, have a great week!
JJ Pryor