The Naming Results Are In!
Hey peeps,
I can’t believe the number of comments and suggestions from last week’s post on what to name this little newsletter hobby of mine. It’s truly humbling to see—so thank you!
As I’m sure some of you are aware of my fondness for data crunching and deep dives, I took an ample amount of time considering all of your suggestions and used my artificial intelligence to come up with the new name.
Queue drum roll please….
Based on all of your suggestions, the new name is—————————-
A Pryory Ovary Opinion Knowledge New York Times Pryority Convictions Voice
Really flows off the tip of the tongue, doesn’t it?
I’m confident this is just the first step in a branding exercise that will have marketers like the ghost of Ogilvy writing about for centuries to come (or until climate change murders us all, whichever comes first.)
Well at least that’s what the artificial intelligence in my head told me to do. But much like the artificially intelligent algorithms on all of our social media, it doesn’t often put the best ideas front and center.
So, based on the votes, it was between Pryor Knowledge and Pryor Opinion.
I like both, but since democracy is slipping between the cracks more and more these days, I figured I’d give it a bit of a boost again.
The crowd voted 4 for Knowledge and 2 for Opinion, so, in a most unGQP fashion, I’m counting every vote, even the mail-in ones!
I’ll be calling this Pryor Knowledge going forward and will try to do my best to keep up to the name. My incessant imposter syndrome kindly and sarcastically thanks you for your contributions. Cheers!
From JJ’s Vault
(As always, these are paywall-free links because you subscribe.)
I’ve been back at the computer like a fat bat out of a hellishly delicious buffet and have a bunch to share today. To keep it sane, I’ll give a brief intro. There was a recent writing contest on Medium for some big prizes I’ll never see the light of day—but that didn’t stop me from spending around 40 hours writing up the 4 pieces.
The subjects were:
Work—So I wrote a fantastically failed piece of humor about working for yourself. Very few people understood it, it seems. My fault, not their’s. Still trying to get the hang of this ‘being funny’ thing. At least I’m still funny-looking in the meantime.
Space—So I wrote a weird story about a goldfish and how it becomes what its surrounding space is
Death—So I wrote about how I died of embarrassment on the radio in front of 70,000 peeps in Las Vegas one time
Reentry—So I wrote about the time I had to buy condoms in Asia with a cheeky (read: sexual) interpretation of the category
I dangled my keyboard back into the muddy waters of short humor writing lately. They never get many views but I get a weird pleasure (read: sexual) out of crafting them.
If you hate terrible play-on-words, dad jokes, and homonyms—please don’t click this link.
If you ever had a debate with a friend about how ‘GIF’ is pronounced, well now it’s finally official.
Medium on Medium:
Also pumped out a couple of thought pieces about Medium lately and discuss the contests a bit more. These are mainly for the writers on the platform, so feel free to ignore them (unless you like a sh*t tonne of self-deprecating humor).
My thoughts about the Medium contests now that it’s over, and what the numbers say for the competition. And just in case you entered it, link me your entries and I’ll read them all!
I branched out to Vocal.Media and did a deep dive on all of their contest winners. TLDR, it’s probably not worth anyone’s time. I’m still in there on an experiment under a pseudonym but will be stopping it soon.
That’s it for this week! As of tomorrow I’ll be back writing on subjects of society, history, thought-essays, and whacky unfunny humor—my bread and butter!
Stay tuned for the new branding of the newsletter and a few more upcoming changes in the next weeks. I’m hoping to finish my next political cartoon book before October so I’ll definitely be sharing that here.
Asides from that, I’ve been thinking I’ll start posting one ‘serious’ piece here a week, in addition to this update letter. The more Substacks I subscribe to the more I realize the ones that do well all seem to have a purpose.
As in, a purpose besides a random stream of consciousness from a big goofy white dude living in Taiwan writing this run-on sentence while it’s pouring rain outside and wondering if anyone got this far down the email.
Thanks all!
Please remember to click the heart button (if you click on the title of the email) and/or leave a comment.
For every heart you click I will store 1 piece of lint in a jar and hand over custody of it if and when we ever meet in real life. It’s only fair.
J.J. Pryor