I’ll keep it short this week. Just popping in to say hello before I go back down below.
From J.J.’s Vault
(All the below links are paywall-free since you subscribe to my newsletter and I love you in a platonic fashion.)
There’s a non-profit organization in the US that’s been going around for a few years using Satanic imagery in an effort to challenge local governments when they step over the line in terms of the separation of church and state. A devilishly good read if I say so myself.
My other piece this week shares my experience with being mostly illiterate. There may be a twist at the end.
From the News
We might have finally figured out a humane way of getting rid of the uber-wealthy—just sell them one-way tickets to the new luxury space hotel that’s about to launch.
This isn’t news per se, but I hadn’t heard of it before so it’s news to me. I had no idea there were different ways to say huge numbers in English.
In case you missed it, here’s a breakdown of 5 takeaways from the recent US government report on UFOs. It’s nuts to think about what’s going on here, from tech to misinterpretations to…well…little green aliens?
The popular brand of vape devices—Juul—now has to pay $40 million in a lawsuit where they were accused of marketing to kids. I looked at them almost exactly 1 year ago in an article, interesting to see what became of the accusations.
The Trump Org might be going down after the authorities finally caught up to all their creative accounting. Or at least parts of it.
Somehow Bill Cosby was released this week. Yowza.
From J.J.’s Life
We’ll find out next week if the pseudo-lockdown goes down a level, which would be fandamntastic if so. Cases have been down to around 40-70 for the entire country so there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
Assuming I can slowly regain what’s left of my sanity, I’m hoping to kickstart a couple of side projects next week. I’ve been working them over in my head for at least half a year, so as long as the imposter syndrome can get out of sight again for a while—then I should be able to get started on these.
One is another political children’s book for adults because I had far too much fun with the last one I made. Hopefully, Amazon allows me to advertise the next one. They deemed my first humor book as ‘political’ and didn’t allow it. Lol.
The other project is an ebook on a topic I’m sure you could guess. I’m almost done a bit of a large cleanup before it’s going to be all laid out. I’m just not quite sure about the length of the beast yet. Only one way to find out!
Thanks everyone, have a great weekend.
J.J. Pryor
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