Hey peeps,
I’ve come to a realization this week. An understanding of a topic tremendously dear to me, and perhaps, to you too.
It’s not something I take lightly.
In fact, I deemed it so groundbreakingly important that I wanted to bother you for a quick moment this week.
Because I can’t figure it out myself.
So here it is…
I need a new name!
I didn’t realize before (Read: Too lazy) that ‘WTFact’ is a sub-brand name used by a large tyrannical corporation that goes by the seemingly innocent callsign of Encyclopedia Britannica—whatever that means.
I guess I could look up the meaning, but where?!!
Anywho, as I want to avoid any potential future lawsuits and possibly giving up the three scraps of lint left in my pocket to the corporate machine, I figured it’s time for a name change.
And who better to ask than the people who continue to shock me the most—the people that actually read my scribbles every week.
Yes, you, dear reader. Help me!
As for what name to choose for this, I’m basing it on my last name both because names are pretty solid in copyright law, and I’m a bit of a self-aggrandizing douche on occasion — 2 birds, 1 newsletter.
Eat that, Gladwell.
So please, let me know in the comments which one you like best (or easily make a far better suggestion):
Pryor Opinion
Pryor Knowledge
A Pryory
Pryor Authorization
The New York Times
From J.J.’s Vault
(As always, these are paywall-free links because you subscribe.)
From My Life:
I once bought condoms in Asia from a grandma and her granddaughter. You might enjoy this one. I did. Just not while it happened.
There’s a weird experimental writing contest on Medium right now. Here’s my crack at category #1 of 4. It’s about cookies and ice cream. Sort of. TBH, not sure I quite nailed the board on this one. I may have gotten a bit carried away in my head even though I spent a decent amount of time on it. Either way, any support (claps, reads, etc) on Medium for this one might help restore my distraught ego.
Thoughts on Society:
There’s this cool story about old fake villages in Russia called “Potemkin Villages.” But in a way, they’re kind of all around us in the modern world—shittily so. While I thought it was a good read, a writer friend of mine described it as “not bad for an overdeveloped fluff piece.” With former friends giving compliments like that, who wouldn’t jump for joy in puddles of tears?
Medium on Medium:
Medium just released a new affiliate revenue model, which is neat, I guess. Here’s my thoughts on how they could drastically improve that, because I speak for everyone, clearly.
That’s it for this week. I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas for what to call the newsletter going forward! Hopefully, the comment section isn’t full of the sound of crickets by then, or else that might have be the new name.
Have a great one peeps!
J.J. Pryor
And just in case you want to sign up for Medium, going through my signup link will give me a small commission commensurate with your subscription. That would be fan-damn-tastic.
*Header photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
Since you call us 'peeps', I guess this makes us chickens. If this is true, you must be a 'rooster', if you're a hen I have no suggestions, and as a rooster, you are 'The Cock of the Walk". You could rename your blog as "Some thoughts from a Cock' or 'Cockie Thoughts', maybe even 'Cock-eyed Wisdom". I lean towards the new title being 'A Pryor Opinion'. To me, it is a nice play on words, as you so often do in your writings. According to some sources, the name Gladwell means, 'You have excellent ways of viewing people.' This definitely applies to you, but you would probably catch some flack if you named your blog 'Gladwell II', so I would stick with 'A Pryor Opinion'. See you at the 'coop.'
Pry Ovary? Sorry... I'm bad at this...