As an American, I realize that my opinion doesn't count, but I don't care. The whole concept of a monarchy in today's world is ridiculous. Then again, the idea that England would be better off by leaving the common market is just as absurd. There must be something in the water (more likely beer) that brings out people's stupidity. Case in point - America electing DJT.
England is facing an economic nightmare and is most likely going down the toilet. If America elects more Trump people or Trump himself, we will follow England down the toilet. The main difference is our stupidity will have huge effects on many parts of the world, whereas England's stupidity will have a minor impact.
Whatever gives people the idea that standing alone is better than being with a group of like-minded individuals? In today's complex world, unity is the only way for a country to survive and prosper. Indeed, there will be differences of opinion and conflicts, but in the end, we are better off working together than trying to go it alone.
Not every question is as clear-cut as the wonderfulness of maple syrup. Anyone who can't appreciate maple syrup (people with diabetes excluded) should be confined and fed haggis until they see the error of their ways.
BTW, a little off-topic, but I see where global warming has destroyed Canada's mustard seed harvest, and the French are running out of mustard. Who thought the mighty French culinary establishment would be devastated by Canada? No mustard - let them eat maple syrup!
It's an interesting movement to withdrawal from Brexit, and from what I can tell after far too many rabbit holes, somewhat coordinated and even related to certain groups that backed Trump. Anyway, that's somewhat conjecture and I never bothered putting in the vast time required to write it all down. But yea, interesting reading when you look at the funding for pushing similar media narratives (build a wall!), especially with global action groups (on every side of the spectrum) being so well funded these days.
As for mustard, I hadn't heard of that. I'm sure my French brothers and sisters will be hoarding in the days to come.
I love the picture of Charles, excuse me King Charles, flipping off Trump! Fun and interesting article J.J.!
Thanks Gwen
As an American, I realize that my opinion doesn't count, but I don't care. The whole concept of a monarchy in today's world is ridiculous. Then again, the idea that England would be better off by leaving the common market is just as absurd. There must be something in the water (more likely beer) that brings out people's stupidity. Case in point - America electing DJT.
England is facing an economic nightmare and is most likely going down the toilet. If America elects more Trump people or Trump himself, we will follow England down the toilet. The main difference is our stupidity will have huge effects on many parts of the world, whereas England's stupidity will have a minor impact.
Whatever gives people the idea that standing alone is better than being with a group of like-minded individuals? In today's complex world, unity is the only way for a country to survive and prosper. Indeed, there will be differences of opinion and conflicts, but in the end, we are better off working together than trying to go it alone.
Not every question is as clear-cut as the wonderfulness of maple syrup. Anyone who can't appreciate maple syrup (people with diabetes excluded) should be confined and fed haggis until they see the error of their ways.
BTW, a little off-topic, but I see where global warming has destroyed Canada's mustard seed harvest, and the French are running out of mustard. Who thought the mighty French culinary establishment would be devastated by Canada? No mustard - let them eat maple syrup!
It's an interesting movement to withdrawal from Brexit, and from what I can tell after far too many rabbit holes, somewhat coordinated and even related to certain groups that backed Trump. Anyway, that's somewhat conjecture and I never bothered putting in the vast time required to write it all down. But yea, interesting reading when you look at the funding for pushing similar media narratives (build a wall!), especially with global action groups (on every side of the spectrum) being so well funded these days.
As for mustard, I hadn't heard of that. I'm sure my French brothers and sisters will be hoarding in the days to come.