Not sure what like is life without a lockdown. We have been “locked up” for so long, it’s entirely normal here. Living in a city that borders the US, we are one of the first and foremost cities to enter into and to leave said scenario. Stay safe bro. Give some of those passing jets a good old Canadian finger for me.

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Seeing as how they're trying to protect me, I'm not sure I'd flip the bird just yet haha.

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An article I read in Blumberg list some factors that could have led to the present situation, and these factors don't look good for the near future. 1- A shortened quarantine period for airline pilots and crew from 14 days to 3 days. 2-The virus is being spread by people frequenting "Hostess" bars where people share drinks, sing loudly, and come in close contact. Many people don't want to admit their use of these bars or their employment by the bars. This makes contact tracing very difficult. 3- Vaccination rates are meager as many people thought there was no risk or minimal risk. There is not much vaccine available, and more has been purchased, but it will take a while for it to arrive. 4- Testing is very infrequent. 5- Asymptomatic spread is tough to detect, and procedures such as wastewater testing is not being done. There are other factors, but these seemed to be the most prominent. Stay safe - don't get sick - your writing inspires me, and your silence would be a great loss.

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Haha thank you kindly Edward. From what I've learned the major cause was improper quarantining of pilots returning from hotzones where they probably went out and mingled. The 3 day thing as well as improper mixing with other guests at an undesignated hotel seem to be the culprits--then it spread like wildfire in the unvaccinated population. Unfortunately, there was limited space (and limited vaccines) to sign up to get one, I had been trying for about a week before the outbreak, now they're reserved for essential workers in medical and military.

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Your, on the ground, thoughts, mirror what I have read. I am always a little suspicious of the news as everyone seems to have a point of view which is reflected in their 'factual' reporting. Thank for confirming what I have read.

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A great read, J.J. Sounds like you could be going into a full lock-down, which we are just coming out of here in the U.K. after many months. Wear your mask whenever you go out, would be my advice. (I am now imagining you dancing like a school-girl...!) your words, not mine!!

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Well, I did just suddenly get the urge to dance a little jig.

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