At first, I thought it might be a play on an American restaurant chain called "Cinnabon." They sell pastries and other baked goods. Some things definitely get lost in the translation.

I don't think worm grunting will ever replace a large bank account for attracting a mate or at least a temporary friendship.

Increasing the tiger population could be a method of population control, but it doesn't seem very efficient. Your mother was correct; you shouldn't play with your food - especially PB&Tuna sandwiches.

We Americans are notoriously poor at math. It's why we can't adopt the metric system - it's too hard to learn a system based on 10. I think the real reason we are in favor of this tree proposal is due to the American-centric view of the world. We are the center of the world, and the rest doesn't matter, so we might as well plant trees in other countries. I'm sure their inhabitants won't mind when they realize it is an American idea, or we could always invade to teach them the wonders of environmental science.

Our neighbor to the north, whose name escapes me at the moment, has always had primarily two languages - English and French. Due to the influx of Asian immigrants, numerous languages are spoken all across the snow-covered fields. Watching soccer or cricket being played in the snow will be fun.

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Playing soccer in the snow is even funner

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Bonsaï strategic planting. Though it will take 50 years at least to see some results. Snip-snip.

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If there's anything modern society is good at these days, it's planning for the long-term future


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