There are 70 different indigenous languages in Canada. You can find nine different languages in Europe: French, German, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, English, Ukrainian and Russian. I would be happy to speak two languages other than English and Pig Latin. Although my BFF and I made up a language in high school. It was pretty out there.
Ahhhh, forgot about what that meant haha. I could speak a little bit of it in high school but had 2 friends who were 'fluent' as in full speed. Funny thing.
I kinda like cheap chocolate. Or at least I did.
There are 70 different indigenous languages in Canada. You can find nine different languages in Europe: French, German, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, English, Ukrainian and Russian. I would be happy to speak two languages other than English and Pig Latin. Although my BFF and I made up a language in high school. It was pretty out there.
Pig latin?
You have never used pig Latin? You mist have had a very sheltered childhood. LOL. Google does auch better job explaining it than I can.
Ahhhh, forgot about what that meant haha. I could speak a little bit of it in high school but had 2 friends who were 'fluent' as in full speed. Funny thing.
Best chocolate in the world is Whittaker's here in NZ.
Yea, naw mate:
That's Pascall's...NOT Whittakers.