Probably 7 or 8 years. I have several Garmin devices that all track differently. Also gone through 2; one the button stopped working and the other the strap broke and was not replaceable. I mainly track sleep and steps.

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Didn’t think his hair was so fantastic. The rest of the read was interesting. I have My Fitness Pal (not sure why the call it fitness when it’s about diet) and a Garmin device that throw lots of information my way. Still trying to figure out how best to use it, but I do look at it every day. I am amazed at the calculating power I wear on my wrist.

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How long have you been using it? I wore my 2nd one for over a year until it broke, realized wasn't worth getting a third one when I stopped to think about how much I actually 'used' it.

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Great read as always buddy. Glad you're happy and in a good space. Keep writing!

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Wow. That's so much work. I am impressed and interested in Felix's project, for sure, but I could never do that much quantifying. I thought it was self-obsessed enough that I track my reading, tv-watching, and music listening!

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Which one's winning?

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I think it's mostly self-affirming. Felix with the fantastic hair probably knew what he would find in his data points. Spending more time in active leisure, moving his body, etc. His data just reaffirmed it. I wear an apple watch to Bikram yoga and sweat like a pig just to look down and congratulate myself for burning 457 calories. I know I will burn 457 calories. I just want the digital attaboy. At the end, all the hackers learn the final hack - we can't hack life.

I look back at the people still at the company I left 2 years ago. They're miserable. I'm content and yes, significantly less wealthy (for now). It's all about quality of life. Rest assured they're all secretly jealous of you.

Thank you for sharing your adventures. :)

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So there's at least 2 of us, woo!

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