I wouldn't be a great CEO.

I am too anxious and neurodivergent to be a proper sociopath.

Maybe being lazy (which is beside the point of the analysis) and in a comforting imposter syndrome mediocrity are confounding factors ?!?

A cohort study on this is needed.

PS: I drive better than most if I get my multifocal glasses. During the day. In a straight line. In a parking lot. That's empty. Or I think so.

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I wonder how you'd fare on a scooter like I drive here?

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Hmm... not far... Today's black ice covered the ubiquitous Montreal potholes...

So maybe if I modify it with a ski and a track, maybe I can , hypothermically, go to the grocery store .

Oh, wait, that's a Ski- Doo.

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Welcome to Pond Wobegone - where not only young but also old children are above average. It is challenging to be humble when you are great - you, of course, recognize this problem, and you have done well at hiding your greatness. As the creator of PB&T sandwiches, you have helped to lead the unenlightened into a better world.

My father warned me about a group of people whose noses were so far up in the air they couldn't go outside in the rain due to fear of drowning. Today, this segment of our population has been joined by people who insist on walking while reading their phones. This creates humorous situations, as in some people falling to open manholes, hitting poles, and walking out in front of oncoming car traffic.

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There's always a silver lining

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This is a great reminder...

1. When I was young and my job could be objectively measured in terms of typing, I offered a cash reward for anyone who offered a better typing deal than I did. No one ever even tried to claim it. In terms of *writing*, well, obviously Big Steve sells several thousand times more books than I do

2. I'm certainly Greener than the general public, and I think I discourage extrovert pushiness in a gentle way...Extroverts don't think that's so "nice."

3. I think intelligence is distributed in different qualities more than different quantities. I learned to read early and score high on tests of verbal logic. There are other ways of being intelligent. Sometimes those ways are more useful than verbal logic is.

4. I've kept my original hair color and clothing size longer than average. That's not all there is to everyone's definition of attractiveness. I *want* men to think about the things that make their own wives more attractive to them than I ever was or will be.

5. I am a TERRIBLE driver. The way I crawl along, taking time to focus my astigmatic eyes, is likely to make passengers seasick. People should be thanking me for not driving. If they ride with me it will come easily.

So, LOL and thank you...I hope others will take a quick reality check on the flattering statements at the top of the page too.

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Haha thanks for sharing Priscilla

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